NP: John Cage, 4'33
I'm intrigued by this "Napoleon Dynamite" problem in the big Netflix challenge, but not enough to try to come up with an algorithm of my own. The trick is finding a variable that hasn't been accounted for, which usually means recoding data to come up with some new, derived variable.
Which is sort of what Nate Silver has done with regard to providing evidence that the meme that Barack Obama is tilting hard to the center, or to the center-right, now that he's been elected might not be based in fact.
I'm a huge fan of this approach. If life gives you lemons, create a variable that measures limes by inference. And, to tie the two stories together, it wouldn't surprise me if Nate takes on the Netflix challenge and nails it to the wall. is not spamming you -- please read
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When A Foul Isn't A Foul
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