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December 22, 2008


NP: The Verve, "Love Is Noise"

This is but one blog post that speaks to how some media outlets have been trying awfully hard to tie Barack Obama to Rod Blagojevich. Talking Points Memo has been keeping an eye on the trend as well. My sense is that, post-election, the criticism that the media was "in the tank" for Obama might have stung just a bit, and now they're trying to overcompensate. This is fairly consistent media behavior, in that they go totally overboard, then swing hard back the other way in a flurry of hand-wringing and teeth-gnashing.

Of course, this also depends on how "in the tank" you think the press was, but I don't really want to get into that. Suffice it to say that it's not out of character for the media to respond to a meme.

Or a mime. They always respond to mimes, only you can't hear them. Because they're miming the mimes.


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