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January 06, 2009

Words To Live By For 2009

NP: Ed Mann, Perfect World

I think the passage Lifehacker quotes here is spot-on. I think this constitutes the fifth "column" of my outlook for the new year. I'm already trying to limit e-mail, Facebook and blog checks to discrete chunks of time instead of a constant stream, and it already makes me feel much more productive.

Incidentally, the five columns for the year are:

1. Save money (trying to buy a condo sooner rather than later)
2. Lose weight
3. Play/experience music
4. Play/experience soccer
5. Stay focused (limit multi-tasking)

One of the corollaries in here is that I need to stop drinking at least beer for the short-term future, as that speaks to 1, 2 and maybe 5.


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