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May 05, 2009

Getting Closer

NP: Canucks vs. Blackhawks

Amazon is coming out with a Kindle that's got a bigger form factor, more like a piece of paper, and the newspaper industry is hopeful. I'm still hoping we see one you can fold or roll up and stick in your pocket, but that's probably another couple of years out.

This part struck me as pretty funny, though:

Then there is the looming presence of Apple, which seems likely to introduce a multipurpose tablet computer later this year, according to rumor and speculation by Apple observers. Such a device, with a screen that is said to be about three or four times as large as the iPhone’s, would have an LCD screen capable of showing rich color and video, and people could use it to browse the Web.

That's right, a tablet device from Apple that everyone is getting excited about. I think it would be awesome if they called it, oh, I don't know...the Newton.


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