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June 17, 2009

Build Your Own Narrative

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

I may have just done the exact same thing I was yelling at Andrew Sullivan for doing, pointing to one thinly-sourced comment on the HuffPo Iran liveblog (see the update at the end of this post) when it seems that pretty much everyone is agreeing that the Iranian soccer team was, in fact, showing their support for the protesters. Maddow even led with the story tonight:

She did not, however, point out that Iran ended the day out of the running for next summer's festivities in South Africa, which could lead to some sort of sports-related alibi if anything happens to these players when they return to Iran. On the other hand, North Korea is in, and I can only imagine what might happen if they get grouped with the United States.

But, back to the main point, it was easy to believe that one piece of information that corroborated my somewhat entrenched opinion from before, even when the "explanation" seemed pretty flimsy, so I feel appropriately chastened. I still don't like this lack of quality control when you're trying to move so fast online, though. Perhaps even less so now that I've succumbed to it.


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