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June 26, 2009

Updates and Analogies

NP: Jarvis Cocker, Further Complications

A friend just asked how the job search is going, and while I don't have a new job, or any leads that are on the verge of becoming new jobs, I actually feel like it's going well. It's more a sense that there are companies out there who could definitely benefit from my skills, only they can't make a move right now.

So the traditional metric (job/no job) would seem to fly in the face of the actual situation, which, this week, reminds me quite a bit of the U.S. soccer team. Particularly the defense, where I thought they had a pretty solid tournament despite giving up six goals in the first two losses. This serves as some sort of lesson that either sometimes you have your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set up wrong, or that I'm relentlessly optimistic to the point of delusion.


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