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July 02, 2009

Reliably Sore

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Last week, the Washington press tried to gin up some sort of "scandal" when the Huffington Post's tireless Iran blogger Nico Pitney was allowed to ask a question of the President that was suggested by someone on the ground in Iran. And over the weekend, Pitney and Washington Post political gossip columnist Dana Milbank "debated" the point with Howard Kurtz. Both Michael Scherer and Joe Klein from Time's Swampland blog weigh in on it here with more insight. Suffice it to say the blogosphere is firmly with their guy on this one, which would seem reflexive except that Milbank doesn't really have much of a leg to stand on here.

Milbank is the epitome of the smarmy Washington media insider, so his taking offense at this fake controversy is utterly predictable. What Pitney has done covering the Iran election aftermath can be seen as a threat to the most traditional of the traditional media, but the degree to which it looks like burying your head in the sand is kind of staggering. I'm still of a mind that the election coverage could be a watershed moment for the transformation of news organizations, but I haven't put it all together quite yet. Plus the Twitter-as-raw-story was clobbered pretty hard by MIchael Jackson's death, although that may lend itself to differentiation of how this works for hard news, entertainment and maybe even sports.


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