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July 05, 2009

Someone Call Alanis

NP: Rainbow, "Stone Cold"

I sort of understand why Andrew Sullivan gets so hyper-focused on Sarah Palin sometimes, because once you start, you almost can't stop. Now it's her Facebook message, in which she yells at the mainstream media for being "ironic." There's other stuff, too, but this one just leaps out at me, because the implication is so utterly obvious.

I would pay good money to the first person who asks her to explain what about the mainstream media is ironic, and win it all back by wagering that she wouldn't be able to come up with a coherent answer, because she hasn't the foggiest idea what "ironic" means. At least not beyond it being a word you use when you're trying to sound erudite, only the odds of you knowing what "erudite" means are infinitesimal, except that you don't know that word means, either, and so on.

It reminds me of a situation I was in with a former employer that will remain nameless so that they don't ask for their severance check back, where part of my job was to make the people running the company "sound smart" in industry discussions. Wouldn't it make more sense to have people running things -- whether that's a company or a country -- who actually are smart? One of the two major political parties clearly doesn't think so, because they defend this idiot as one of their best and, presumably, brightest.


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