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July 17, 2009

Two Of My Favorite Things!

NP: Yeasayer, All Hour Cymbals

Sleep and data, all rolled into one, for just $400!

Seriously, this seems like a pretty cool little device. Anyone who has been reading this site over time knows that I'm fascinated by sleep research. And being able to make the alarm clock wake you up specifically during light sleep when possible is potentially a really big deal.

One of the big upsides of my enforced vacation from the working class is that I've been able to function without an alarm clock for a lot of the last three months, and I feel like waking up naturally -- which typically means during light sleep -- has made a huge difference in my overall well-being.

Which is to say, if you think I'm cranky now, just imagine how cranky I'd be if I wasn't sleeping well...


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