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August 28, 2009

Putting the "Opt" back in "Option"

NP: Radiohead, In Rainbows

Nate Silver flags a recent study where only 37% of respondents correctly picked out what the "public option" in the healthcare debate actually means. It's unclear if that number would be higher if just members of Congress were polled.

To a similar end, Silver offered up the way that the question should be asked earlier this week in order to better communicate just what it is you're asking (given that so many people don't actually know), and suggested only looking at polls that do it right.

And, just to clear out a backlog of open browser windows, here's Karen Tumulty at Time.com pointing to a Steven Pearlstein Washington Post article from early last week -- an eon ago in Internet time -- on how the public option may not even be the best non-single payer solution anyway. Not quite sure how that would poll.


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