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October 10, 2009


NP: Mexico vs. El Salvador

I feel like I've been missing in action enough this week to warrant an explanation. After six pretty dry months, my employment situation has at least improved. This week saw the start of a part-time contract gig, one meeting for a booked research project, another phone call for a research project that may yield some consistent cash flow over at least six or seven months, more recording for the voiceover demo, and a totally random request to record a short tag for a local ad that might snowball into a real job. Three of those things will definitely generate cash flow, and the other two probably will in short order.

And that was just the work-related stuff. I also had to pick up my car from the shop, see my optometrist, go to a soccer clinic, co-host the Tuesday Open Jam, stop by at the Chicago Fire 12th Anniversary party at Toyota Park and go see Naked Raygun at Metro last night.

I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, because it's turned out to be a really good week. It's just been really hectic, especially given the languid pace of most of the summer.


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