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December 16, 2009

The Rise Of The Angry Center

NP: King's X, "Believe"

It's getting hard to hear over the gnashing of teeth about the health care bill, at least if you're tuned into that frequency. Yesterday, the policy wonks and pragmatists were just trying to talk sense into the visceral anger from the far left. Today, those pragmatists are starting to get a bit flabbergasted and even a bit pissed off.

I'll admit, that the hard left can be easy to make fun of, especially when they go on record saying that they were just wishing real hard that someone was different than they were appearing to be. But when Joe Lieberman himself points out that his resistance to the Medicare buy-in had anything to do with some progressive fans of that measure, the idle speculation that Lieberman is exacting revenge against the netroots by driving a wedge between them and the mainstream Democratic Party, presumably because of the Ned Lamont primary challenge, doesn't actually seem too far-fetched.


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