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December 27, 2009

Faster Than The Speed of Thought

NP: Thom Yorke, PulledApartByHorses

Sullivan seems agitated that Barack Obama hasn't fired anyone based on information that seems to have been learned less than 24 hours ago regarding the Nigerian who seems to have taken "liar, liar, pants on fire" way too seriously on his way to Detroit.

I know he sees his "post based on immediate reaction, without even thinking" methods as a feature, and not a bug, but this is one of those things that irritates the heck out of me. Not everyone is operating on Andrew's plane of hyperfast experience. And this probably isn't even the worst example of him demanding a response to something that hasn't propagated into mainstream consciousness yet.

Although, maybe I need to take in The Atlantic on a broader basis, because, based on Steve Benen's endorsement, Sullivan's colleague Marc Ambinder is taking a more thoughtful approach to Obama's measured response so far to this failed terrorist effort. There's some sort of yin-yang or right brain-left brain dichotomy between the two bloggers.


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