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March 23, 2010

Not Quite Universal

NP: Emerson, Lake & Powell, Emerson, Lake & Powell

A lot has been made of the 31 million currently uninsured who will get coverage in our brave new world of health care reform, but I had been wondering about the difference between that and true universal coverage. It turns out that Ezra Klein was wondering the same thing, and has the charts from the CBO that spell it out.

The other question I have is whether or not, once these 31 million get some sort of coverage, there will be less of a burden on emergency rooms, which currently pick up a lot of the slack for the uninsured for things that may better be addressed by a regular doctor. Is this a function of insurance, or is it a behavior pattern that needs to be addressed separate from that? My hunch is that this may recognize a lot more cost savings than it's given credit for, but I haven't read the CBO report to see if they include that in their calculations. I certainly haven't heard anyone talking about it.


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