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May 18, 2010

Identifying Lost Causes

NP: Foo Fighters, "Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners"

I get the sense that President Obama is being very careful with his political capital, and robocalls on behalf of Arlen Specter and Blanche Lincoln are as far as he's going to go to help them this late in the game in their respective primaries.

Obama may be lending a hand to what may be a losing cause out of duty, and is being careful not to invest himself in these contests. It's a fine line to back a loser without coming off looking like a loser yourself, and the President keeps finding himself walking that line. Still, a contested primary is a bit of a different animal than the Massachusetts special election or the Olympics bid, which could be part of why he's not giving more full-throated support.

My guess is that he's either saving whatever mojo he's got for the midterms proper -- a likely scenario, especially if/when the economy looks better in November -- or he's still confident he can govern if he loses a couple of Senate seats.


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