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June 04, 2010

Better Than Ezra?

NP: Vinnie Colaiuta, Vinnie Colaiuta

There's lots of chatter on political sites about Nate Silver taking FiveThirtyEight.com to the New York Times. A couple of bloggers are trying to compare and contrast this to the Washington Post hiring Ezra Klein and making grand pronouncements about the "future of journalism," which seems to ignore the reporting of the story in the Times' own media blog, which points out that it's damn near identical to the deal made for the Freakonomics blog a couple of years ago.

I haven't exactly exhausted the coverage of this move, so I don't know if everyone's just talking about Ezra over Dubner and Leavitt, but if they are looking to the latter pair, I hope they're as worried as I am that this means the end of the FiveThirtyEight.com full RSS feed. The New York Times only does excerpts, and that's certainly part of why I don't read Freakonomics anymore, and why I don't subscribe to more NYT blogs.

Finally, the Old Gray Lady sure does like those University of Chicago folks, doesn't she? Is Ana Marie Cox next?


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