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July 20, 2010

Timing Continues To Be Everything

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Yesterday, President Obama ripped on GOP obstructionism on the extension of unemployment benefits. Today, the temporary replacement for Senator Byrd is sworn in, which should clear the way for that extension to pass. This is not a coincidence. From the Huffington Post:

"What the hell?" the [top Senate Republican] aide asked. "They're going to get that vote tomorrow at 2:30 now that they will have a new Dem Senator. It's already scheduled. It's like the President is going to call for the sun to rise in the east."

Exactly. If you're paying attention, but most people aren't (and no one knows that better than the GOP). They'll see clips of the President on the news Monday night talking about helping the long-term unemployed, and then hear about the extension passing on Tuesday. And will think to themselves that Obama twisted some arms and got some shit done. That's how this game is played.

It will be interesting to watch the tracking polls over the next week or two as this ideological battle between unemployment benefits and the Bush tax cuts plays out.


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