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September 07, 2010

Tenuous At Best

NP: Foo Fighters, There Is Nothing Left To Lose

The New York Times' editorial board actually wrote this:

Last Thursday’s fire on a shallow-water oil production platform in the Gulf of Mexico claimed no lives and has caused no environmental damage. It was, however, a nerve-racking reminder that extracting fossil fuels is an inherently dangerous business. As such, it was a very good argument for maintaining the present moratorium on deep-water drilling in the gulf and removing it only when industry has met the standards the administration set forth in the spring.

I get the sense that they were going to make their point about the deep-water drilling moratorium anyway, so I'm not sure why they felt the need to use an accident that they even admit had absolutely nothing to do with that moratorium as a pretense for the argument. It's pretty shaky guilt-by-association, and I daresay that the Times has been pretty loud in protest when other people do that, say, in Lower Manhattan.


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