NP: Gary Lucas, The Ordeal of Civility
Ezra Klein eviscerates Tim Pawlenty's economic plan, pointing out that the whole thing is built on the same sort of unrealistic projections as Paul Ryan's plan, only with fallacious historical context.
Pawlenty says he wants “5 percent growth.” Later in his piece, he specifies “five percent economic growth over 10 years.” And his evidence that “it’s been done before”? Two periods, the longest of which is five years, in which growth was under five percent, and held there for less than five years. So even in his handpicked examples, Pawlenty can’t come anywhere close to his target.
That's pretty much all you need to dismiss the plan, but there's plenty more. is not spamming you -- please read
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Slacker Profiteering
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In My Defense
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When A Foul Isn't A Foul
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