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September 18, 2012

That CEO Myth Again

NP: David Byrne & St. Vincent, Love The Giant

There's a really intriguing bit of analysis on this "47%" business from Josh Marshall, in which he quotes Rich Lowry:

Rich Lowry: “The overall impression of Romney at this event is of someone who overhead some conservative cocktail chatter and maybe read a conservative blog or two, and is thoughtlessly repeating back what he heard and read.”

I kind of agree with what Lowry says here simply because in addition to being contemptuous of half the American people and wildly offensive to ordinary people trying to make ends meet, Mitt seems to string together a handful of really distinct conservative talking points — and in a way that makes you think he just heard them in a fragmentary way and pasted them together without any clear sense of what he was saying.

This reminds me of a certain type of personality that seems largely consistent with MBA- and go-getter business-types, which is that annoying propensity to repeat anything you heard in passing just yesterday as a long-held belief or long-known fact that makes you look smart to your immediate audience.

This is not a personality trait that makes me want to vote for someone who has it.


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