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January 02, 2013

Talking to Myself

NP: School of Seven Bells, Ghostory

I haven't really made any New Year's Resolutions, but every time I do the list, I feel bad about all the stale parts of the site. So maybe I need to commit myself to writing more often, like one post a day.

Not sure about what -- I've never been one for public navel-gazing, and social media has supplanted a lot of the "hey, look at this" stuff of day-to-day digital living. And I'm stuck with a totally out-of-date design and content management system, which is a self-inflicted wound of the highest order. Maybe one long-form bit on something I read or saw? It's gotten harder to offer something unique now that everyone and their mother has a platform for their opinions, even though I've always said this is often more about just recording the opinions I have so that they don't evaporate into the ether.

That's probably still the best reason to commit to more regular output, seeing as how I'm not entirely sure I have any "regular" readers left after such sporadic writing. It would help if I could motivate myself to take a sledgehammer to the site architecture, but that's one of those typical project steps I put at the beginning of a project that ultimately stops the whole thing from getting off the ground.

Wait, did I say I've never been much for navel-gazing?


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