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June 20, 2013

In My Defense

NP: Secret Machines, Ten Silver Drops

So, notabbott.com is over ten years old. Back then, blogs were a thing, and I had a lot more free time on my hands, especially since I launched the site in its current form during a two-year lull between full-time jobs.

What I'm saying is that I apologize to anyone still paying attention for the lack of non-list.in.to.chicago content, but I'm not going to promise anything is going to change all that much in the near term. Unless I suddenly find myself able to do a serious redesign that kills off the discrete sections in lieu of a more unified stream of content, so at least the stuff I have been doing ends up front and center. So if you're clever with MovableType, or clever at migrating MT over to WordPress, please drop me a line.

I mean, I still have opinions about stuff.

I'm good for one of these non-post posts about every eighteen months, I think.


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and if you saw this site plastered on the front of a bass drum, you can find more information about the bands I'm in (including Diver and Andrew Fraker & Sons) right here

recent entries in MAIN

Domino Effects
March 4, 2015

Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014

Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013

In My Defense
June 20, 2013

When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013

archives by month


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