Count yourself lucky that I'm not being lazy, 'cause then I'd just throw down four Zwan recommendations and make my life much, much easier. It's not like there are any tickets avaiable, though, so it's sorta moot. I'll be sure to report back after I see them tonight.
Elsewhere in the Coz-o-sphere, I'll be debuting a monthly soccer column on the Chicago Fire website. Should be up Tuesday or Wednesday.
As ever, I heartily encourage you to forward this to your friends, and if, by chance, you've either received this as a forward or are reading it on the web, subscription instructions are at the bottom.
Pick of the week
If you can score tickets, I've got to go with Saturday's Guided By Voices show up in Evanston. If not, I'd say you should stretch your entertainment boundaries with either Henry Rollins doing spoken word on Wednesday or the instrumental acoustic work of the California Guitar Trio on Thursday at Schuba's.
The big deal last week was definitely The Assassins at Schuba's on Thursday. What I didn't realize was that this was the band's first headlining show in Chicago, and as such, it was The Place To Be (tm) by a wide margin. I was told that the guy who signed Radiohead was in attendance, along with other circling A&R people. While the band was really, really good, they still seem to prefer texture over songwriting, just enough for me to not remember any of their songs as I left the room. That said, the textures make for a compelling overall sound on their own, but more in a Tortoise way than, say, a latter-day Radiohead way.
Also attended last week was a photography show put on by Bluefence, a local "artists' networking collective," for lack of a better term. Of note there was a jar of very, very hot mustard and a collection of photos taken of people as they tasted it over the course of the night. It was pretty cool.
1.20 monday
Diva (Jazz Showcase)
There's still a novelty factor to an all-female big band, but the funnier part of that will be whether or not there are a bunch of single jazz guys hanging around hitting on them between sets. You know the type.
1.21 tuesday
Open Mike (Vaughan's) SEE COZ LIVE!
It has come to my attention that some recipients of this newsletter might not realize that I actually SING at this thing, as well as show off my stunning lack of guitar chops. You know the drill, and a couple of quarts of beer will fix it so the intonation will not offend your ear.
Your Little Ponies (Uncommon Ground)
I had the good fortune of accompanying Joey from YLP for a rousing rendition of "Nunchuk Master" at the Open Mike a few weeks back. He can help you make your nunchuks go faster.
1.22 wednesday
Henry Rollins (The Vic)
At this point, I'm probably more interested in Rollins as spoken word performer, which he will be for this performance, than as bandleader. Mostly because I was partial to the Rollins Band lineup he jettisoned after the Weight record, but also because his spoken word stuff is pretty hilarious. With the amount of political cannon fodder right now, war metaphors not at all intended, it could be even better.
The Rolling Stones with Ryan Adams (United Center)
Hear the blues channeled through a bunch of old British guys. Charlie Watts remains one of the classiest rock drummers ever, and I'm assuming Chicago native Darryl Jones is still holding down the fort on bass.
The Taj Mahal Trio with The Steepwater Band (House of Blues)
On the other hand, hear the blues channeled through all sorts of acoustic and world music influences.
1.23 thursday
California Guitar Trio (Schuba's)
As a general rule, I have to recommend any band of whom I own multiple recordings. The California Guitar Trio grew out of King Crimson's Guitar Craft program, and reflect that in some of the furious crosspicking among them. They're also a bit more melodic, and have a penchant for both classical compositions and classic rock adapted for three acoustic guitars.
Mighty Fine Machine with The Fags and Moda (Elbo Room)
We played with MFM at Double Door a few weeks back, and they rock, in a very non-specific sense. Seriously, I have a hard time describing what they sound like other than saying "rock." Not quite "rawk," just "rock." Hmmm.
1.24 friday
Burning Brides with Division of Laura Lee, The Catheters and Spindle (Double Door)
These guys have been highly touted as a potent force along the stoner rock lines of Queens of the Stone Age, but I haven't actually heard them. They'll be opening for the latest band to come out of Sweden in Division of Laura Lee, who I know even less about, other than they're from Sweden.
Guided By Voices with Boas (Metro)
The one non-Zwan show of the week at Metro. I'll be curious to see if they make them set up in front of Billy's stuff. I'm not so much of a connoisseur of their early lo-fi material, but the last couple of records have rocked pretty hard, including last year's Universal Truths and Cycles.
1.25 saturday
Guided By Voices with Swearing at Motorists (Nevin's Live)
Nevin's is a tiny, tiny room, so this should be pretty amazing. The club's website says it's sold out, but additional tickets may be made available.
Drive with Woolworthy (The Note) FRIENDS OF COZ!
These guys are probably my favorite "new" Chicago band, a point that was emphasized after that Assassins show on Thursday.
EXO with The Dials, Heather's Damage and Lying in States (Fireside Bowl)
These guys, on the other hand, are my favorite old Chicago band. This show is a benefit for WLUW, Loyola's radio station. Since the university turned the operation over the WBEZ, the station has been responsible for some degree of fundraising, and if you've listened to them, you know it's a very worth cause.
1.26 sunday
Sumo (Elbo Room)
Their mantra is "Shake Dat Ass," and after wolfing down buffalo wings at your Super Bowl party of choice, you'll need to do just that to work of the calories, no?
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