Quick and dirty this week, as I've got a whole bunch of rehearsals in order to prepare you for the onslaught of shows I'm involved with, and will tell you about in just a moment. So, among other things, no proofreading. And what the hell is up with all the shows this Wednesday night? Weird.
Pick of the week
Yep, it's one of those self-serving, self-promoting weeks. Top of the list is the debut show from The Sheffield Exiles (Thursday, Mystic Celt), if that is our real name. Then it's Abi Cruz on Saturday over in Logan Square (Boulevard Café). You can fit it in among your holiday parties, I promise. Oh, and go see Dana Lawrence tonight.
I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, The Sheffield Exiles on Thursday, Abi Cruz on Saturday. If you just can't get enough of me, Vaughan's on Tuesday and Patrick Hasbrook on Wednesday as well.
You know how, sometimes, a band will say from the stage that it's a beautiful crowd? Saturday at Martyr's, with Jump Little Children and Yesmen, was definitely a beautiful crowd. Unfortunately, your humble correspondent was flying solo and not feeling conversational, so that wound up being a drag. It might not have been if I hadn't accidentally positioned myself right in front of a couple intent on making out during the entire first half of Yesmen's set, which rammed home the fact that I'm single and going to shows alone with stunning effectiveness. After two songs from Jump, Little Children, I had to get out of there. The one thing that kept coming to mind during Yesmen was that this band is what would happen if Reese from TV's Malcolm in the Middle grew up to sing silly love songs (not the Paul McCartney kind, either) in front of Weezer. Or something like that.
Tributasaurus as Elvis Costello was pretty good on Wednesday, although I personally would have liked to hear "Peace Love and Understanding," even if it was actually written by Nick Lowe.
12.08 monday
Dana Lawrence Trio (Bad Dog Tavern) FRIENDS OF COZ!
In what's becoming sort of a monthly thing, Dana's back at the relatively new Lincoln Square spot. Good thing it's not Bad Cat Tavern, 'cause then she'd have to leave quickly. It's an inside joke. Deal with it.
12.09 tuesday
Open Mike (Vaughan's) SEE COZ LIVE!
This week's theme, for me, just might be cognitive dissonance. Or maybe the Grammy nominations. Or both.
12.10 wednesday
Patrick Hasbrook (Bird's Nest) SEE COZ LIVE!
I'll be once again accompanying Patrick on percussion, and maybe adding some 80s magic of my own on guitar, depending on how the night is looking.
Guitar Madness (Green Mill)
The annual benefit for Toys for Tots (a toy gets you in free) features local jazz guitar heavyweights John McLean, Dave Onderdonk, John Moulder, Ernie Denov and Neal Alger. That's a lot of guitar.
Emilie Autumn with Supernatural Yes, Loaded, Big Bang Music Theory (Double Door)
The classical- and Celtic-influenced violinist and singer was supposed to be joining Courtney Love for a record and tour up until Courtney flipped out a month or so ago, so it looks like Autumn will be back to her own thing this winter (get it?) and beyond.
Rahzel with Lifesavas, The Spooks and DJ JS1 (Metro)
Remember a few weeks ago, when I said how I kept confusing RZA from Wu-Tang Clan with Rahzel from the Roots? No? You mean you don't memorize these missive top to bottom every week? I'm hurt.
12.11 thursday
The Sheffield Exiles (Mystic Celt) SEE COZ LIVE!
The name of the band may have changed by the time you even read this, but the fact remains. The Vaughan's open mike house band has transformed into a real, electric band, and we'll be playing an awful lot of Britpop. The Beatles, The Stones, Oasis, Radiohead, Paul Weller, and the like. It'll be good, and this is the first gig ever! You can tell your kids you were there! Why, I don't know, but you could still tell them!
12.12 friday
Rock Star Club with Paper Bullets, Otherworld (Gunther Murphy's)
URT played with these guys quite a bit, too. Didn't realize they were still around, as they seem to have been keeping a low profile as of late. Or maybe one of the guys lost his cowboy hat, and they had to wait for a new one.
12.13 saturday
Abi Cruz CD Release Party (Boulevard Café) SEE COZ LIVE!
I've been calling Abi's stuff "Puerto Rican Hip-Hop-Doo-Wop" since joining the band a few months ago, but Dana Lawrence (remember, from Monday?), who contributes some backing vocals to the CD and whose brother is also in the group, insists that any description that doesn't include "booty music" is inaccurate. Watch as I try to get in touch with my inner ?uestlove, and if you don't know what that means, go buy either a Roots or a D'Angelo record. Now.
The Slugs 20th Anniversary (Beat Kitchen)
Funny how The Slugs didn't get top billing on their own anniversary show. That spot went to The Returnables, who share the stage with the guests of honor, along with Steve and Liam from Frisbie. Truth be told, that middle slot is better anyway. And main Slug Dag Juhlin is a good guy who plays a mean solo version of Earth Wind & Fire's "September."
12.14 sunday
Dave Holland Quintet (Jazz Showcase)
Okay, so I guessed right a few weeks back when I said saxophonist Chris Potter played with bassist Holland. Also in the quintet is drummer Billy Kilson, who all my jazz friends talk about a lot. He's a good 'un.
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