I'm trying to figure out some way to work Nomar Garciaparra into the open, but I got nothin'. Forward this to your friends, maybe they'll be able to do better, and they might like to see some shows, too.
Pick of the week
I'm going to go with old standbys Tributosaurus at Martyr's this week (Wednesday), along with New Pornographers singer A.C. Newman on Friday at Bottom Lounge. Styx (Tuesday) and Loverboy (Saturday) at your own risk.
Just Vaughan's this week. Thanks to those of you who came out to any of the myriad shows last week.
There was something funny about Clearly and the Mainstream's posters, or maybe their merchandise table, but I can't recall it now. The band we played with out in Niles had a great poster, too, with (I'm assuming) faux quotes from local rages dissing the band with pithiness like "cream of the crap." Other than that, I played too many gigs last week to actually go see anybody, but that's going to happen sometimes.
8.02 monday
M with The Dreadful Yawns, Jack Grace Band (Schuba's)
When I first saw this bill, I thought to myself "M? The guy who wrote 'Pop Muzik'? No way!" I'm probably right, and it's a different M, which means I just wasted this whole listing telling you about a show I know absolutely nothing about. I like being my own editor.
8.03 tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's) COZ SINGS!
This one could be fun just because of the mullet factor emanating from up the street, which I'll get to in a minute...
Styx (Vic Theatre) SOLD OUT!
I have to confess, these guys were my favorite band back when I was, like, twelve. Among other things, they were very instructive in demonstrating the difference, at the time, between a good rock ballad ("Lady") and an absolutely crappy one ("The Best of Times"). One of the best things about the current incarnation has to be Chicago-area drummer Todd Sucherman, from what I've heard, who has taken over admirably for the late John Panozzo.
8.04 wednesday
Liz Phair with The Cardigans, Katy Rose, Charlotte Martin (House of Blues)
This is being billed as the "Chicks With Attitude" tour, but if they had attitude, wouldn't they object to being called chicks? I think this was moved to HOB from Navy Pier. Which apparently didn't have enough attitude. As always, if you go, don't forget to remind Liz that she's secretly in love with me.
Tributosaurus (Martyr's) FRIENDS OF COZ!
When I first saw that they were doing TWO shows as The Rolling Stones this month, I assumed it was because they had to turn people away last month when they were Peter Gabriel. Turns out it's because they can't possibly do justice to the Stones with just one set. Don't know who will be guesting this time, but you know it will be good.
8.05 thursday
Kelly Hogan and the Wooden Leg (Hideout)
I wonder if Hogan tends bar on nights when she sings at the Hideout. If so, it would be funny if she just announced that everybody had to wait until she was done with her set before she could get them another beer. Or maybe take orders between songs. Okay, maybe not that funny.
8.06 friday
A.C. Newman with Rogue Wave, The Neins (Bottom Lounge)
This is the singer and principal songwriter from The New Pornographers out on his own, and last year's record from that band was one of my favorites. Reviews I've seen of the solo record make it sound like enough of a departure to warrant it's own identity, but similar enough to be identifiable as the same guy. Which is another way of saying I haven't heard it yet.
American Hi-Fi with Butch Walker, Val Emmich (Abbey Pub)
Unless something has changed drastically, American Hi-Fi is led by former Letters to Cleo and Veruca Salt drummer Stacy Jones doing his Dave Grohl frontman turn. The connection here is that Stacy and I attended the same Berklee College of Music 5-week summer program way back in the late eighties when we both thought we might be jazz fusion drummers.
Scottinho and Cash with Cibelle (HotHouse) FRIENDS OF COZ!
Brazilian singer Cibelle is the headliner here, but if there's Brazilian music at HotHouse, Scott's going to be there one way or another. He would also like to stress that he is not, in fact, Scott Henderson.
Nicholas Barron's Hyperactive (Chicago Cultural Center)
This is a lunchtime set, which brings up the fact that I can probably count the number of times I've seen any member of this band before 1pm on one hand. I'm thinking maybe coffee will be involved, but then again, Nicholas Barron's hyperactive enough (get it? I slay me) under normal circumstances.
8.07 saturday
Projekt Revolution (Tweeter Center)
I still don't get Linkin Park's appeal, but they've put together one of those tours where they try to introduce their fans to some different kinds of music (Less Than Jake, Snoop Dogg) as well as more of the same (Korn), which I guess is at least mildly admirable.
"Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo" Breakdance Contest (Metro)
Nope, I'm not making this one up. Get those parachute pants out of storage!
Loverboy (Paramount Arts Center)
Apparently it's mullet week here at l.i.t.c. After Styx and Loverboy this week, can Night Ranger be far behind?
8.08 sunday
Dave Matthews Band with Guster (Tweeter Center)
I know I've been beating this drum for a long, long tmie, but I'd really like to see a "Dave Matthews Trio" album and tour. Put the sax and the violin out of my misery already.
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