I'm still trying to wrap my head around this Damageplan shooting. There were some early reports that drummer Vinnie Paul had been shot as well, but I think that's since been debunked as incorrect.
Seriously, I'm at a loss. I'm not a big metal guy, but I think some friends of mine in the business knew "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott as more than a passing acquaintance. To be killed like that, by some unbalanced fan because he really liked your old band more than your new band? Wow.
It makes no sense. And while I didn't know the Pantera guys personally, being in Dallas I knew several local musicians who did know them, and back in the mid-80s I dated a girl who, believe it or not, sang with them in their very early days before they got set in the direction that eventually led them to thrash metal heaven. Then another friend worked as the "hostess" of a club they owned. So while I didn't know them, I felt as I did. Never a huge fan of the subgenre, I still loved "Far Beyond Driven", and think their version of "Planet Caravan" one of the Best Covers Ever... and I still sing the "snap your fingers snap your neck" lyric just to irritate Cindy.
I think that little bit o' fun ended today.
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