A couple of stories that have graced my computer screen lately:
- When fanboys attack. For all the stick I give to DeRogatis for being so negative all the time, the diametric opposite is equally annoying. On the one hand, you can have "journalists" just basically printing a press release, complete with massive amounts of hyperbole. On the other -- as in this review of Tool's Oakland show -- you've got writing so bad and so effusive that it's downright painful. Of course, we're talking about a web-only "publication," and there are so many of these out there diluting the talent pool (what are you looking at?) that I shouldn't be surprised.
- An Apple a day. The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, but not bigger than Steve Jobs. Not sure what to make of this one. For Napster and Grokster, the existence of the music on the "data transmission service" was the key to the piracy claims that ultimately won out, but here, it doesn't count. Of course, comparing those two P2P networks with iTunes would be comparing, um, Apples and oranges.