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July 31, 2006

list.in.to.chicago this week: 07.31.2006

Great googly moogly, there's TOO MUCH MUSIC!!

Pick of the week
If I had to rank the three days of Lollapalooza, I'd say it's Friday, Sunday and then Saturday. And then The Roots show tonight (Congress Theatre) could be good in spite of, or because of, the weather. Because sweat is inherently funky. Or something like that.

As of press time, there's a chance Diver will be playing at 4pm on Sunday at Retro on Roscoe. Check divertheband.com or notabbott.com later in the week to confirm.

I'm going to make the same comment everyone else who sees Muse for the first time does. They sure do make a lot of sound for three people who don't use any backing tracks or sequences, plus one occasional keyboardist. It was suggested that they sound almost classical, but I don't think that's quite it. They sound downright operatic, more so than any band I can think of since, yes, Hocus Pocus.

Then there was the Pitchfork Festival. Nobody bowled me over, but then again I don't wear ironic t-shirts or polyester pants. Art Brut was a lot of fun, and I wouldn't mind hearing more of The National. CSS was intriguing despite not being able to really see or hear them on the side stage. I thought Spoon was a little disappointing, as were the much ballyhooed Tapes 'n Tapes and also Destroyer. And the "we're so much cooler than some other festival we won't name, by which we mean Lollapalooza" attitude put forth by festival emcee and Hideout co-ownerTim Tuten was beyond tedious.

However, the people-watching was extraordinary. Words wouldn't do it justice.

7.31   monday
The Roots with Talib Kweli, The Pharcyde (Congress Theatre)
This one's just bad timing. Between the 12 or 14 hours spent listening to music over the last couple of days and the intense heat, I don't think I have the stamina to make it to this one, and I've been dying to see the Roots live for quite a while now. On the plus side, they're almost sure to come back once the new record actually comes out.

Camera Obscura with Scotland Yard Gospel Choir (Empty Bottle)
I read that Friday's Logan Square Auditorium show had a power outage, so they'll be rescheduling this show early tonight at the much more intimate Bottle.

8.01   tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's)   COZ SINGS!
If you missed last week, you missed me playing a song called "Motherfucker Fake Vegetarian Ex-Girlfriend" that I heard while I was in Germany by a guy named Daniel Cirera. Search for him on the web and check out the video. No, I don't know what the chicken has to do with anything, either.

The Rentals with Ozma (Double Door)
There's been a lot of talk lately of Weezer's imminent demise, based on some webiste posts from Rivers Cuomo, so I would expect Matt Sharp to field many shouted questions from the crowd about it as he plays with his other project. I know artists love it when you ask them about projects other than the one they're currently playing with.

Roy Haynes Quartet (Jazz Showcase)
Apart from being one of very few drummers left from the bebop era, Haynes remains one of the best. Through Sunday at the Showcase.

8.02   wednesday
Tributosaurus (Martyrs')   FRIENDS OF COZ!
This time around, they'll be Santana. Or, as certain acquaintances of my friend Scott used to put it, Carlos Fucking Santana. No idea if he's related to Bon Fucking Jovi. You can retrieve this message from your automatic spam folder that tries to filter out porn e-mails whenever you'd like.

Butch Walker and the Let's Go Out Tonites with As Fast As, Boys Like Girls (Metro)
On the one hand, I wonder if Walker popped in for the opening week of Rock Star: Supernova to generate a little name recognition before hitting the road. On the other, I have to wonder if the brief cameo was enough to generate any buzz at all, seeing as how I only have the vaguest of notions that I should care about him prior to those appearances. Still, it did get him on my radar.

8.03   thursday
Dearborn with Dave Tamkin (Park Grill in Millenium Park)
I haven't had the chance to see these guys since that first time many months ago, and since 90% of my live music right now seems to be outdoors, maybe a little after-work set in the park will work out, if it's not still a zillion degrees out there.

Ghenghis Tron with Raise The Red Lantern (Beat Kitchen)
We have our winner in the occasional "best band name of the week" category, but you have to know by now that gratuitous science fiction references tend to do that with me if they manage to not sound too geeky.

8.04   friday
Lollapalooza (Grant Park)
The big guns on the first day include The Raconteurs, Secret Machines and Sleater-Kinney. You've also got The Subways and The Editors, eels, The M's, and an absurdly early set from local faves and friends of Coz The Bon Mots.

Of Montreal with DJ Kevin Barnes (Schubas)
One of many Lollapalooza bands playing outside the festival while they're in town. If you've got the stamina, you can eliminate them from the Lolla itinerary and simplify your day on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. P with the West Side Winders (Cubby Bear North)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
This is a Lake Forest Alumni event featuring Nitrous Foxide's Michelle Peters and her husband Dan, who also fronts the West Side Winders, the bluegrass-ish band formerly known as simply The Sidewinders. I've been told that Vince Vaughan went to Lake Forest, and that you can draw your own conclusions.

The Mooney Suzuki with Gosling, Blood Meridian, DJ sets by Dave Allen of Gang of Four (Double Door)
Would it suprise you to know that the band's "Alive and Amplified" is currently featured in a commercial from Suzuki, the car manufacturer?

Thievery Corporation with Govinda, Husky Rescue (Metro)
Yet another Lollapalooza "official" extra-festival appearance.

8.05   saturday
Lollapalooza (Grant Park)
The quick rundown of bands I'll try to see for Saturday includes Sybris, Wolfmother, maybe Gnarls Barkley, The Flaming Lips and The New Pornographers. And Peeping Tom has just been added!

Blues Traveler with Particle (House of Blues)
Here's one for the damn hippies who don't want to shell out $150, since the three biggest jam-band names are all on different days. Add Umphrey's McGee to this bill and you'd have 'em all.

Nada Surf with The Frames, Elvis Perkins (Metro)
Going to this show might free me up for a last-minute Diver gig on Sunday.

Smoosh with Devin Davis (Schubas)
Apparently, this band comprised of sisters who are around 11 and 14 years old from Seattle, writing music beyond their years.

8.06   sunday
Lollapalooza (Grant Park)
Finally, let's take a look at Boy Kill Boy, Sparta, The Frames, Assassins, Of Montreal, She Wants Revenge, Queens of the Stone Age and Broken Social Scene.

Chris Isaak (House of Blues)   SOLD OUT!
To me, he'll always be SWAT team member #2 from The Silence Of The Lambs.


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