Next week, I may be asking you if you know anybody that's hiring. Maybe.
Pick of the week
Not a lot standing out this week, unless you can score a ticket to The Swell Season (Saturday and Sunday at the Vic).
For those of you who keep thinking you might eventually come out to Vaughan's one of these days, this is a good week for it with the super-short week.
The crowd at Fado on Saturday was a bit weird, for a Fado crowd. Barely any dancing at all, but more applause than usual. Not quite sure what to make of that. Maybe Avi is the secret ingredient that makes people want to dance?
And I had every intention of going to check out Robbers on High Street last night, but after my intermediate co-ed soccer game yesterday, I ended up playing a scrimmage with a competitive men's team that kicked my ass. But on the plus side, I didn't feel like I was in over my head. Old and slow, yes, in over my head, no.
11.19 monday
Frisbie with Stereo Deluxe, The Melismatics (Schubas) FRIENDS OF COZ!
I'm taking the whole week off from work this week, so I pretty much have no excuse if I don't go see these guys tonight.
Jazz Showcase Benefit Concert (Joe's Be-Bop Cafe and Jazz Emporium, Navy Pier)
I can only assume this has to do with finding a new home for the venerable jazz club, which will be conspicuously missing this week, as they always had someone playing on Thanksgiving. With Mulligan Mosaic Concert Band, David "Fathead" Newman, Phil Woods, Frank D'Rone, Howard Levy, Larry Novak.
11.20 tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's) COZ SINGS!
After I played "I Don't Like Mondays" and "I Don't Remember" last week, Andrew suggested a theme of songs with "I Don't..." in them. Not sure if we're constrained by title or by lyric, or if I'm going to declare it an official theme or not, as I've got a couple other new tunes I'd like to try out. But if I can offer up inspiration for someone else's playlists, works for me. Or I could learn "I Don't Know" from Ozzy Osbourne. Anything is possible.
Office with Deanna Devore (Schubas)
This is a "special acoustic set" from the local buzz band.
11.21 wednesday
The Pipettes with Monster Bobby (Double Door)
Rescheduled from the Park West show a few weeks ago. I'm guessing advance sales weren't all that great, since I don't think you can fit even half of a full Park West in the Double Door.
Farewell Captain with The Safes, Central Standard (Beat Kitchen) FRIENDS OF COZ!
I probably need to go see Frantisak play live before this turns into the mother of all l.i.t.c. running jokes. It's not that I dislike any of the bands he plays with, I just never manage to get out to see them.
Poi Dog Pondering with Abra Moore (Metro)
In what is becoming a bit of a Thanksgiving tradition. I think. I mean, I could go back and check, but it's not like I have the whole week off with nothing to...uh, never mind.
Final Say (McGee's) FRIENDS OF COZ!
In case you're wondering why Avi wasn't on the Diver gig on Saturday, these guys have been taking up more of his time, so check 'em out.
M.I.A. with The Cool Kids (The Vic)
There seems to be a point in my aesthetic where pastiche becomes just a jumbled mess of influences that I can't reconcile in my ear, and that's sort of my problem with M.I.A. It could be that she's coming from too many different places that I don't really listen to in the first place.
11.22 thursday
Happy Thanksgiving from
11.23 friday
Poi Dog Pondering with Abra Moore (Metro)
See Wednesday's listing.
M.I.A. with The Cool Kids (The Vic) SOLD OUT!
See Wednesday's listing.
11.24 saturday
The Swell Season with Martha Wainwright; Blue Ribbon Glee Club (The Vic) SOLD OUT!
Better known as the couple from the movie Once, the soundtrack for which I'm almost certainly giving a family member for Christmas. I've managed to establish a tradition of buying new music for my siblings that they didn't know they wanted.
The Cult with Action Action, The Cliks, Mindsight (House of Blues)
Okay, so the best part of the band's Wikipedia entry is this nugget: "Since the band's inception in 1983, no lineup has lasted more than 2 years." The first live appearance for the current lineup was in February of 2006, so this could be your last chance to see them for a while.
11.25 sunday
The Swell Season with Martha Wainwright; Blue Ribbon Glee Club (The Vic) SOLD OUT!
See Saturday's listing.
The Cult with Action Action, The Cliks, Mindsight (House of Blues)
See Saturday's listing.
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