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December 03, 2012

list.in.to.chicago this week: 12.03.2012

We're going to look back at 70 degrees in December and laugh when we're under three feet of snow in February.

Pick of the week
Wednesday night at Bottom Lounge is going to be one of those nights where all the folks who were integral to the local scene since ten or fifteen years ago come out to support their own for the debut of Stuttgart. I do not want to assume it'll sound anything like Cupcakes and/or EXO just based on the personnel. But that might be what it'll sound like.

I'd say "just" Vaughan's, except that downplays that we've been having our moments lately with the Open Jam, including last week's mini-set of random Police songs right at the end of the night.

So, Friday night. Martyrs'. I dug Dozens, which featured two guys alternating between guitars and synthesizers, and a drummer. Lots of complex texture, but never for its own sake. Magic Box was driving, bruising, barroom blues-rock, but I still contend that there's a hint of power pop there, which is largely how they arrived at a quality cover of "Dear Prudence." For the second time out of the four times I've seen them, Grood (formerly Savvy) featured Matt Walker on drums, along with a Mr. Bungle cover, fresh-baked cookies, modern dance, power tools, and a guy boxing with one of those inflatable tube men you see outside of car dealerships. I guess you had to be there.

Saturday night reaffirmed how much I hate the Riviera Theatre. The sight lines are crap, and so much of the main floor is underneath the balcony that any quiet passages are immediately drowned out by conversation. It didn't help that everyone in Alabama Shakes save for the singer couldn't seem to be bothered to give a shit about what they were playing. You can't come into Chicago and play the blues that lackadaisically. I'm sorry. You just can't.

On the plus side, I spelled 'lackadaisically' right on the first try!

12.03   monday
Cypress Hill with Sugar Tongue Slim (Double Door)
So, I think this got postponed a few weeks ago, and tonight is the rescheduled date.

12.04   tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's)   COZ SINGS!
Last week was a particularly soul-nourishing episode. There were many reasons, but the standout was an impromptu mashup of "Winona's Big Brown Beaver" from Primus with "Taxman" from The Beatles.

Caravan of Thieves with Talons (Schubas)
Just once, I'd like this band to share a bill with Company of Thieves. And maybe Thievery Corporation.

Judith Owen & Harry Shearer (SPACE, Evanston)
Yes, Virginia, there were artistic cross-discipline power couples before Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer. The legendary character actor from The Simpsons and films like This Is Spinal Tap along with his singer/songwriter wife. Or the Welsh singer/songwriter along with her character actor husband. Take your pick.

12.05   wednesday
Stuttgart with Butterfly Child, Neil Jendon (Bottom Lounge)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
This is a new band comprising of Matt Walker and Preston Graves from Cupcakes (among many others) and Scott Tallarida from EXO (also among many others). I'm kind of excited. Not sure if the reforming of Butterfly Child is a permanent thing or a one-off.

Public Enemy with XClan, Dres, Leaders of the New School (House of Blues)
I'm guessing Flavor Flav is still going to make you wait before the main set starts. Some things don't change, even after 20 years. It was a minor scandal when we had the band at the U of C (back in 1989), because of the security requirements. Alternately, it wasn't that big of a deal, and Bill Wyman at the Reader was just trying to stir shit up.

Dave Matthews Band with Jimmy Cliff (United Center)
I was going to say that I think of Dave Matthews as a strictly warm-weather act, but maybe he's more tuned into global climate change than the rest of us, and anticipated this weather.

Nicholas Barron Band (Buddy Guy's Legends)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
The current incarnation of Barron's band includes longtime musical partner Steve Gillis on drums, and also a (somewhat) new second guitarist.

Tributosaurus (Martyrs')
This month they're The Band, riding out the long tail of love and support for the band since Levon Helm died.

12.06   thursday
Larry Coryell Trio (Jazz Showcase)
As is usually the case, the jazz guitarist is accompanied by Larry Gray on bass and Paul Wertico on drums. I had to go to Wertico's website to figure that out, and scroll through his entire 2012 calendar. As a list. Then again, just because most web designers also seem to be musicians, it doesn't mean the opposite is true.

Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue with Air Dubai (Park West)
Two shows from the Lousiana product at this time of year had me thinking "Christmas album," but apparently Troy Andrews and his band are still supporting the record they released in September of last year.

12.07   friday
Soulfix with New Policies, Sami Grisafe, Markit 8, Republic Steel (Metro)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
Remember last week, when I said I'd like to meet whoever had to choose between shows from Lamb of God and Ray LaMontagne on the same night? Turns out I didn't need the introduction, because I already know him. And he plays drums in Soulfix.

High on Fire with Goatwhore, Lo-Pan (Double Door)
I'm not sure if this is the Double Door lineup or the Kuma's Corner menu. What happens when a band that has inspired something on the menu shows up, anyway?

Larry Coryell Trio (Jazz Showcase)
See Thursday's listing.

Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue with Air Dubai (Park West)
See Thursday's listing.

12.08   saturday
Nada Surf with Eternal Summers, Bailiff (Metro)
Can't seem to break this band out of that mostly non-descript, unthreatening-but-tuneful indie rock category, but to be fair, there are far worse categories to inhabit.

The Bomb with No Enemy!, Canadian Rifle (Beat Kitchen)
It's cool that Jeff Pezzati hasn't abandoned his main post-Naked Raygun project now that his original band seems to be in a semi-permanent state of reunion.

Blind Boys of Alabama with Ernie Hendrickson (City Winery)
Is there some sort of dead pool on the new Randolph Street restaurant and concert venue? I've yet to see anyone say anything good about it, and while they're bringing in some quality acts--in this case, Peter Gabriel's opening act from the Growing Up tour--I doubt they can sustain themselves on the music alone.

Larry Coryell Trio (Jazz Showcase)
See Thursday's listing.

12.09   sunday
Of Montreal with Wild Belle, Foxygen (Metro)
Been hearing a lot about hometown band Wild Belle lately, seen here with noted eclectics Of Montreal and a band whose name I maybe shouldn't criticize, seeing as how I played drums in a certain cover band called Nitrous Foxide. Although two dudes calling themselves Foxygen seems too ironic right out of the box.

Scott Lucas & the Married Men with Purple Apple (Hideout)
At this point, I would consider the Married Men to be Scott Lucas' main gig, although Local H has a lot more of a following. Just on the basis of number of Chicago appearances, anyway.

Larry Coryell Trio (Jazz Showcase)
See Thursday's listing.


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