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March 04, 2013

list.in.to.chicago this week: 03.04.2013

Friday. Metro. Please?

Pick of the week
If you go to two shows this week, the other one might be Muse at the United Center tonight. Or Tame Impala at the Vic on Wednesday if you were able to get tickets or want to brave the aftermarket.

Of course, the show you really need to see this week is Andrew Fraker & Sons at Metro on Friday. We could really use your support on this one. Discounted advance tickets available directly from the band or by entering 'SONS' at checkout if you buy them online. If you're outside of Chicago, there's no reason you couldn't buy the discounted tickets (entering the code is really important) just as a show of support.

Finked out on Eric Johnson last week, but I heard it was really good.

3.04   monday
Muse with Dead Sara (United Center)
There aren't many bands left who can make a big stadium show work. Muse is one of those bands. And what I think I like most about the new record is that the second half of it makes a real effort to do something different, and does so pretty successfully to my ear.

Imagine Dragons with Atlas Genius, Nico Vega (House of Blues)
I was pleasantly surprised with Atlas Genius back when they opened the Silversun Pickups/School of Seven Bells show last year, and "Trojans" sticks in your head like nobody's business.

3.05   tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's)   COZ SINGS!
Okay, this one only counts as an extended birthday celebration if you absolutely can't make it to Metro on Friday, or if you're also coming to Metro on Friday. Gotta have priorities here.

Bittersweet Drive, Tonellis, Brother Ember, Maris Maeve (Subterranean)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
My friend Andy, who you may recall from The Good Mondays, plays drums in this band. That's all I know right now, but it's enough.

Bremer with Cunning Stunts (Township)
Credit where it's due. "Cunning Stunts" is an excellent band name.

Imagine Dragons with Atlas Genius, Nico Vega (House of Blues)
See Monday's listing.

3.06   wednesday
Tame Impala with The Growl (The Vic)   SOLD OUT!
I was resisting this band for a while, but when I finally took a listen, I thought it was good, modern indie psychedelic rock. Whatever that means.

3.07   thursday
Sons of the Silent Age with Magas (Mayne Stage)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
The David Bowie tribute fronted by Chris Connelly returns for their second engagament. No Shirley Manson this time, but Preston Graves (Cupcakes, Stuttgart, Trailer Hitch) is guesting on vocals.

Robbie Hamilton with Mazes, Matchess (Hideout)
Mazes is one or more of the folks from the 1900s, although not necessarily sounding anything like them. I know, helpful.

3.08   friday
Andrew Fraker & Sons with Simpleton & Cityfolk, Deanna Devore, Markit 8, Fletcher Rockwell (Metro) SEE COZ LIVE!
For the first time ever, I get to play Metro twice within the same decade! Music starts at 8:30pm, and we go on second. Enter 'SONS' when buying tickets online to get a discount. Do not think for a moment that paying full price somehow helps us more. It doesn't.

3.09   saturday
Hood Internet with Outer Minds, Mahogany, Summer Girlfriends, Frontier, Waco Brothers, Scott Lucas & the Married Men, and others (Hideout)
It's the annual "SXSW Sendoff Party." Pretty sure it's been 10 years since I've been to South By Southwest, and nobody gave me a sendoff party.

Allister with August Premier, the Fold, the Run Around (Reggie's Rock Club)
This band looms large in local post-punk/emo circles, if I recall correctly, and I think they're coming back from a hiatus.

Pink with The Hives (United Center)
My cousin just saw this show down in Florida, and it looked almost like a mash-up of Cirque du Soleil and a pop concert. Also, I have to say I like the choice of The Hives as an opening act. Hopefully folks show up on time.

Polarcode with Audio Content, Republic Steel, Vaudeville (Double Door)
We played with these guys last July on this same stage. Due to a fun little mixup, we almost played with them again on this stage.

3.10   sunday
Deathfix, Brokeback, Dubpixels, Robin Bell (Schubas)
Yet another drummer who has moved front and center, and this time it's Brendan Canty, formerly of Fugazi. Although this band apparently doesn't sound much like that one.


Friends from Bk, Motive, are playing Wise Fools Thursday night, FYI.

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