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January 07, 2014

list.in.to.chicago this week: 01.06.2014

You can bet that, had I gotten this out on time yesterday, I totally would have listed that big Polar Vortex show. They're supposed to play tonight, too, but I don't think it'll have as much of an impact.

Seriously, the calendar is about as bleak as the weather this week. Next week looks much better.

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Pick of the week
If you're getting stir crazy from the weather and need to get out, I'd go with Nicholas Barron Band on Thursday at City Winery, or Buddy Guy at Legends Thursday through Sunday.

Taking the week off as I get acclimated to my new job. Next Diver gig is at Fado, next Saturday.

Ringing in the new year with Sons of the Silent Age was fun, as that band continues to nail the Bowie material to the wall, adding the likes of "Panic in Detroit" and "Under Pressure" (!) since I saw them last. And they were pretty much made to play "Young Americans."

Then we ended up seeing a band at Double Door on Friday called The Race To Space, who reminded me a bit of The Changes, but maybe a bit grittier and less polished. They were followed by a band whose name I can't remember with a superfluous drummer, no bass, one of those multi-instrumentalists that's all the rage these days, and apparently only enough running water for just the normal drummer to shower.

1.07   tuesday
Open Jam (Vaughan's)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
Could be a very private concert from Tony if you can make it out tonight, between the weather and the known absences, myself included.

1.08   wednesday
The Westies with The Shams Band (Schubas)
I have no idea who or what this is, but it was slim pickings, and Facebook thinks I might like this show for some reason.

1.09   thursday
Nicholas Barron Band with Cavepainters (City Winery)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
Sooner or later, I will catch up with Nicholas, Steve, and the current iteration of Nicholas' soulful and funky band, which was a quartet at last count.

Buddy Guy with Vino Louden (Buddy Guy's Legends)
Neither the Reader nor the Legend's site says that any of these shows are sold out, which could be the subject of the worst blues song ever.

1.10   friday
Brighton MA with Western, Fallen Rivers (Schubas)   FRIENDS OF COZ!
Not sure if it truly qualifies as a friend of Coz if I can't remember the guy's name, but I actually played with him in a project many, many years ago, and have been curious about these local guys ever since I learned that.

Fareed Haque Quartet (Green Mill)
You never quite know what you're going to get from guitarist Haque, but you can typically count on elements of jazz, fusion and world music in some proportion.

Cheer-Accident (Hideout)
Usually, when you cite prog rock as a reference point for bands, you're talking Yes, Genesis, Rush, maybe King Crimson. These guys, who have been around Chicago forever, struck me as going much deeper into the genre. We're talking Van der Graff Generator, Camel, maybe a little Gentle Giant. They're pretty out there.

Buddy Guy with Joe Moss (Buddy Guy's Legends)
See Thursday's listing.

1.11   saturday
Vulgar Boatmen with Purcells (Schubas)
It's always somewhat encouraging to see local rock bands who have been on the local scene since before even I was on the local scene. My favorite Vulgar Boatmen story was at this same venue, and it must have been a Sunday night, because they were coming up from Indiana, where the clocks didn't change for Daylight Savings Time, so they were late for the gig. Anyway, they always were in the same category (same boat?) as bands like Dolly Varden back in their heyday.

Buddy Guy with Li'l Ed (Buddy Guy's Legends)
See Thursday's listing.

Fareed Haque Quartet (Green Mill)
See Friday's listing.

1.12   sunday
Buddy Guy with Nellie Travis (Buddy Guy's Legends)
See Thursday's listing.

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