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December 04, 2006

Watch The Eurosnobs' Heads Explode

One of the hallmarks of Eurosnobbery in soccer is that American soccer can't succeed until MLS adopts the late summer-through-late spring calendar used in many of the European leagues. Except now FIFA president Sepp Blatter has come out recommending that the world come closer to our way of doing things, rather than the other way around.

Of course, Blatter says a lot of things in the press that have very little basis in reality sometimes -- like the infamous "women's soccer should wear sexier uniforms" comment -- but I'm really curious to see how this one ripples through BigSoccer, especially since Sepp says this idea is supported by the big European clubs. On the schedule, that is, not the women's uniforms.


Blatter has a habit of making my head explode. Does he not realise summer's for the cricket and other games I don't have much time for but will still pay a fortune to fly half way around the world to watch?

My biggest issue here would be breaking with tradition: the end of summer start to the new season, Sunday afternoons snuggled up in front of the tv or in a crowded pub, as the weather and light start to fade; the Christmas/New Years fixture list followed by FA Cup Round 3 weekend, the only thing to look forward to in the opening days of a new year; then to build up to the season end as the weather gradually improves and the darkness fades, followed by the playoffs and all the big Cup finals and then my birthday!

It is a way of life and it will take too much effort to convince too many fans that change is good. But, yes, lots of exploding heads. Lots, I tell you.

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