In a move typical of America and Hollywood's inability to help themselves, NBC is bringing the insipid, yet mind-bogglingly successful series Friends back for another season.
I just can't put into words how much I hate this show. NBC is now going to be paying more money out per episode than they can possibly make back in advertising, a rumored $9 million dollars per episode. All for a bunch of over-the-top sexual innuendo from beautiful people who magically don't need real jobs to keep huge apartments in New York City? It's not funny, people. Get with it.
As usual, the major media would rather flog a dead horse than actually try to innovate or challenge an audience. And the viewing public continues to prefer shallow, superficial bullshit to comedy that's actually subtle or dare I say it, makes you think. If Andy Richter Controls the Universe follows in the footsteps of Sportsnight to television oblivion, while Friends rolls on, I may give up on network comedies altogether. Thank God Malcolm in the Middle is still doing well.
And Now For A Word About Our Sponsors
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