Somebody get Jon Stewart another Peabody, stat. This week's clip of George W. Bush, president, debating George W. Bush, governor via video clip was one of the more pointed bits of political commentary to come out of anywhere throughout the whole Iraqi conflict. You can view it here by clicking on "Bush vs. Bush."
Also worth noting is Ed Helms' "Hi, Anxiety" piece, namely because I just heard a radio spot for the local ABC News touting pretty much the exact same topic on tonight's telecast. Life imitating art imitating life...
Finally, the impressive parade of political guests has an interesting sidelight, in that some of them understand the gist of the show more than others. I guess you could say that of entertainment guests as well, but it seems more pronounced with the former group. It can be obvious when someone "gets" the show, and last week's interview with author Fareed Zakaria was one of those guests. I got the feeling that he took full advantage of being able to say things he couldn't on other programs, to the point where I think he really, truly thinks he should be in the running to oversee Iraq's future. Of course, he may be saying that on every talk show, but I sort of doubt it.
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