He always said he could be wrong, and I think he may get called on that more than he used to...
Casting about last night for time-killers instead of braving the cold, I tuned in to a bit of Dennis Miller's new CNBC show last night. The most interesting part was his "varsity panel," which consists of his new Republican friends, and old friends who are sort of appalled at the switch, and get on his case about it.
My gut is that he didn't agree with Bush's decisions, then come to like the man, but the other way around, which makes his defense of the administration sort of tenuous at times. He seems to be trying to validate what Bush does on the grounds that he considers him a stand-up guy, almost like it's a matter of faith. I'm not one to judge the transformative effects of 9/11 on anyone, so if it's faith Dennis is relying on to deal with it, more power to him. I just don't agree with him anymore.
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