Okay, I'm guessing that padding your recordings is dangerous, dangerous stuff. While last night's 24 was a single two-hour block, tonight's episodes were two one-hour shows. So, if I've set my TiVo to record one minute longer to make sure I get the whole thing, it cancels the second episode from the Season Pass.
This seems like something it should be able to figure out, but I'm not sure how.
Fortunately, I was home, and now we'll see if the machine is smart enough to go back into the five minutes of buffer and get the beginning of the fourth hour.
More about the actual exploits of Jack Bauer and company a little later.
UPDATE: Indeed, the box was smart enough to grab the buffer. I still think that, if you've got your recording times padded in either direction, the default response when there's a conflict should be to trim the padding, not cancel the recording.
And Now For A Word About Our Sponsors
November 30, 2009
Good Pickup
November 24, 2009
November 24, 2009
Bringing Down The House
November 15, 2009