It took a little while for it to dawn on me, but unless I completely wasn't paying attention last year, this seems like the first year in at least ten where FOX started it's fall season before the end of the World Series.
Since back in days of The X-Files, we routinely had to wait until the first week of November for new series and new seasons. It wasn't uncommon for the first Simpsons episode of the season to be the annual Halloween show.
But not this year. In fact, it's much the opposite. Prison Break started a few weeks ahead of the rest of the fall slate, presumably to compensate for not being on the air for the next couple of weeks. And we've had three brilliant weeks of Arrested Development already -- I'm assuming last night's will be as remarkably funny as the first two -- along with the Sunday animated series and even Malcolm In The Middle.
Did somebody get fired -- please, no Apprentice jokes -- and I missed it?
And Now For A Word About Our Sponsors
November 30, 2009
Good Pickup
November 24, 2009
November 24, 2009
Bringing Down The House
November 15, 2009