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January 16, 2006


Okay, so one of the recurring themes over here is identifying people from other shows. In a mere four hours' worth of the fifth season of 24, we've got tons of sightings of alumni from the sci-fi world.

Hey, it's what I know.

Step L'Ively. First up, and probably the slightest connection is Mark Sheppard, who is the guy the main terrorist passed the ID card to. You may remember him from the first season X-Files episode "Fire," where he played the bad guy.

We Have A Wyn-ner. Also lining up on the bad guy side is Geraint Wyn Davies, who starred in a cult show about a vampire trying to repent for his sins by solving crimes. No, not Angel, although the main difference between that and Forever Knight was that the latter show was set in Toronto, and the bad guy had a night club instead of a law firm.

Speaking of Angel, I could have sworn the assassin in the first hour played Sahjhan on that show, but apparently not. I'm having trouble placing him, although he looked awfully familiar.

Got Wood? Of course, also joining the show from the Buffyverse was D.B. Woodside as President Palmer's brother Wayne a few seasons back.

Where the fuck are the hobbits? Inside joke, never mind. Finally, you've got Sean Astin, aka Sam from The Lord of the Rings, as the new CTU guy who has some history with both Buchanan and Spencer.

I'm sure there will be more. And we'll be taking our little notes...


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