So the other night, my DVR decided it would only record 34 minutes of Lost. There was nothing else scheduled to record. There was plenty of space on the hard drive. There was no compelling reason for the malfunction. It just didn't fucking work.
Latest I've heard is that Comcast may be pushing the TiVo software as soon as April, which can't come soon enough. This technology is supposed to make it easier to watch my favorite shows, but I end up having to manually select individual episodes of shows like The Simpsons or South Park, otherwise the machine would fill up in a week because it can't tell the difference between a new show and a rerun. So in reality, it's making it harder.
Here's a clue, guys. Look for the existence of "new" in the listing, and not "repeat." That would fix most of the problem right there.
Anyway, between BitTorrent and iTunes, I won't lose the thread of the plot or anything, but it's still pretty damned annoying.
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