So, I happen to be taking a half day from work today, and I happen to be watching some TV. I switched it over to Sci-Fi in case the catch-up for Battlestar Galactica was on, and after blasting through some DVR stuff, it was.
Then, I saw that The X-Files was on next. I figured I hadn't seen an episode in a while. The bumper was one I had never, even seen before. I realized this was part of the final season, after I had already given up hope on the David Duchovny-less version. So this is all uncharted territory.
Good God. Scully's baby is kidnapped by a UFO cult? Doggett is in a coma? Mulder has been reported dead? "Are you saying God is trying to kill my son?" I had no idea the show got this bad after I stopped watching.
The juxtaposition against BSG couldn't be more jarring, but it's an unfair comparison, as Galactica is at the same point in its lifetime that TXF was at its best. But wow. Just wow. This used to be my favorite show on television, and it fell this far?
And Now For A Word About Our Sponsors
November 30, 2009
Good Pickup
November 24, 2009
November 24, 2009
Bringing Down The House
November 15, 2009