Previously, my favorite bit from Hiro on Heroes was when Ando sort of rolled his eyes and said "right, because you can bend time," to which Hiro hastily and enthusiastically replied "and space!" All in Japanese and subtitled, which somehow made it better.
This week, though, Hiro outdid hmself when he explained to Nathan Petrelli that he could help, because he was "the flying man," which he accentuated with a "whoosh" and a bit of a Superman pose. Petrelli nervously tells him to be quiet, so Hiro repeats the sound and the motion just a little bit smaller.
There's something about Hiro that's so utterly endearing, and this is coming from Mr. Moral Ambiguity, who would normally give such wide-eyed sweetness, innocence and clear white-hattedness a wide berth.
It may seem too obvious, but is Claire's dad Linderman?
Also, the doctor is in. It's good to see Christopher Eccleston, as I liked him better as Doctor Who than David Tennant in the new version. Now if they could just make him exclaim "fantastic!" at some point...
And Now For A Word About Our Sponsors
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