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March 20, 2007

Girl Gone Bad

Okay, I have to preface this by saying it's complete and total speculation on my part, but how do you figure they're going to justify Chloe O'Brien going over to the dark side on 24?

There's a traitor at CTU, and right now, all the signs are pointing to Chloe. She was looking at Nadia's workstation immediately before that workstation was identified as the one that was leaking information. Why else whould she have noticed Nadia was working off of Milo's password? She just "happened" to be in the server room? I'm not buying it.

Right now, this is the last remaining interesting plot point of this season. The show seems to have drifted off into near self-parody. Characters are air-dropped in and out at random, which in and of itself isn't new (where did Behrooz go, anyway?), but the degree seems even more jarring this season, particularly with Mark Doyle and Audrey Raines in the last two weeks.

Of course, this raises the spectre of a new character we've never gotten to know being outed as the mole, which unfortunately seems to be exactly the kind of thing we might expect from this season.


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