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September 15, 2007

In The Blink Of An Eye

Still neglecting these pages, we'll see if this starts a trend of commenting more often.

Anyway, I've been watching the "new" Doctor Who since it started airing in the United States, and it's been entertaining at a sort of unremarkable level for that stretch.

Until last night.

Wow. The episode, titled "Blink," struck me as one of those episodes of a television series by which all other episodes of that series are measured. Kind of like "Colony/Endgame" from The X-Files, or maybe "The Body" from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. A very taut, innovative story line with a solid performance from one Carey Mulligan as Sally Sparrow.

It also may have been the way the plot was a bit of a puzzle, with many pieces revealing how they fit together over the course of the hour. That's not exactly typical of the show, I think. The writer seems to only be on his fourth episode of the series, and the director her first, and both of those may or may not have something to do with it.

The episode also had surprisingly little of The Doctor, and I can't say if that affected my opinion. He was used sparingly and very effectively.


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