While some might object to Stephen Colbert's aggrandizing attempts to get things named after himself -- and this an entirely hypothetical "some," mind you -- he points out that his lead is only among the write-in votes.
Of course, what some people might not realize is that this is a television-themed battle from both sides, as the name that's in the lead among the fixed choices just so happens to tie directly back to the ship from Joss Whedon's Firefly, and don't think his fans haven't noticed.
I haven't gotten past Tuesday's Colbert Report yet, so I don't know if this has been framed as Colbert vs. Whedon just yet, but I really hope they take this angle at some point. There are some smatterings of it in the blogosphere right now, but if they play it right, this could be a more epic battle than Stewart vs. Cramer.
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