The current season of Heroes is titled "Redemption." The more I inexplicably continue to watch this show, the more incongruous this seems.
If I were to attach an over-arching theme to this current stretch of episodes, it would be "selfish decisions made with no regard for the consequences." Which seems like the opposite of redemption, unless it's redeeming yourself to yourself. Hiro cares only about fixing his (and Ando's) life. After all of the setup of doing good for others, Peter only cares about saving his brother. Claire just wants her normal bisexual experimentation at college. Parkman mostly wants Sylar out of his head. Tracy wants to run away and join the circus, ferchrissakes. Mohinder still has ADD for anything not concerning his father's work.
I know that none of these characters asked to be the heroes, but for a show nominally called Heroes, there's not a whole lot of heroics here.
And while we're on the subject, why does Samuel only sometimes have a weird trace of an Irish accent? I like Robert Knepper a lot, but his character makes no sense, even with his new backstory as some sort of Anakin Skywalker-esque chosen one of people with abilities.
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