On or about 19 November 2003, I started getting an absurd amount of e-mails to my "catch-all" address. That's where all notabbott.com e-mail addresses that don't actually exist get routed. Anyway, the messages I started receiving, at a clip of over 50 per hour, were bounced messages from various postmaster and mailer-daemons, stating that some e-mail from some bogus notabbott address had not reached it's intended target.

So, if I'm getting 50 bounced spam messages an hour from bogus addresses at my domain name, I can't even begin to fathom how many e-mails are getting through. And there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. They're not using my mail server, and they're not spoofing my IP address, so that should leave me off most spam blacklists, but if you're investigating the "source" of these messages, I ain't it. I apologize for the inconvenience, and would welcome any suggestions on how to prevent this sort of thing.

And if you're the miscreant who decided to "include" me and notabbott.com in your spam campaign, you had better pray to your respective gods that you never EVER meet me in person, because trust me, I'm much bigger, much stronger, and much more pissed off than you are.

about notabbott.com

what is it?

notabbott.com is not spamming you -- please read

however, if you'd like e-mails about upcoming shows and whatnot, click here

and if you saw this site plastered on the front of a bass drum, you can find more information about the bands I'm in (including Diver and Andrew Fraker & Sons) right here


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All content on this website (including text, photographs, audio files, and any other original works), unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.