In principle, each one of these saves you from a thousand words. You can thank me later.

Pictures taken by me. Pictures taken of me. The much ballyhooed pictures from various World Cups. Now that I've got the logistics worked out, it all might end up here any day now.

September 14, 2008

[] The Hipping Point

How to overdo the hipster look, brought to you by Dr. Dog

The drummer has the dopey hat, the big sideburns, AND the ironic Journey sleeveless t-shirt. This is too much, and I have officially dubbed the point at which one combines too many ironic, hipster elements to one's look "the hipping point." It's also the point at which you look like a complete moron.

[lolla_2008] More Dr. Dog

Dr. Dog at Lolla, part two

The bass player just had the hipster hat, so he was perhaps the least egregious of the bunch.


Katie plays the cowbell (thumbnail)
Ting Tings at Lolla (thumbnail)
Tings Tings at Lolla (Thumbnail)
The Ting Tings at Lolla 1 (thumb)

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