In a desperate attempt to streamline the process of getting on (or off) the multiple mailing lists for the various projects I'm involved in, I present to you the master subscription page. You have to subscribe to each list individually -- there's no sort of "master" switch.

NOTE: If you've got somewhat aggressive spam filters, you may have to tell your mail client or your mail server that mail coming from notabbott.com (and divertheband.com) is okay in order for this to work.


list.in.to.chicago is a weekly, first-person accounting of the Chicago music scene that usually gets out every Monday. It's where you'll find out about bands I'm playing with, friends of mine who are playing, bands I like a lot, bands with funny names who are coming through town, and who knows what else. It's hardly a definitive guide, but I like to think it's at least entertaining.

Name:   E-mail:



list.in.to.COZ is the list I use to tell you specifically about shows I'm playing. Typically, you'll get one e-mail during the run-up to a show. Typically, we're not talking about more than 3 or 4 e-mails a month, and probably not even that. If you get list.in.to.chicago, you probably know when I'm playing already, but think of this as a reminder.

Name:   E-mail:


DIVER mailing list

The DIVER list is specifically for gigs and information regarding the band Diver.

Name:   E-mail:


about notabbott.com

what is it?

notabbott.com is not spamming you -- please read

however, if you'd like e-mails about upcoming shows and whatnot, click here

and if you saw this site plastered on the front of a bass drum, you can find more information about the bands I'm in (including Diver and Andrew Fraker & Sons) right here


Creative Commons License
All content on this website (including text, photographs, audio files, and any other original works), unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.