NP: The Who, Face Dances
I'm not sure if it's more amusing or galling, but if your political party is on a downturn, fueled, as it were, by an economic crunch exacerbated by high fuel prices, wouldn't you want to avoid the perception of cozying up to the big oil companies?
Not if you're a Senate Republican, apparently. Dana Milbank at the Washington Post shows some of that new mainstream media spine by cleverly attaching the amount of money each senator has received from Big Oil to their sycophantic quotes. The Dems don't get off scot-free, either, but they're also not the one with the image problem at the moment.
Or, at least, not the major image problem and the looming Titanic metaphor, anyway.
You have to wonder if Rafael Pamiero got off on the potential perjury charge because the Senate didn't want to call attention to the fact that they do, in fact, swear witnesses in at hearings much of the time.